
Cow DailyAbout 10 years ago, as I was listening to a popular morning radio show when I lived in San Diego, one of the hosts mentioned a perplexing fact: every day, each and everyone of us sees a cow.Remember, I lived in San Diego, not Kansas! The radio host went on to clarify that you may not actually see a real cow, but rather the image of a cow, staring at you with its big brown eyes. By now, your cow on the day is staring at you from the left side of this page. And the right side. And below…

Honestly, I thought it was impossible to see cows every single day, so I decided to do some fact-checking for myself. So I tracked my cow sightings every day for over a year (from 2012 to 2013) and documented them on this blog. After a year, I had to admit that the daily cow sighting theory is indeed true!

It even seems to be valid in other countries, not just the US (take a look at Every day I see a cow… the French edition).

You may think that you’ll only find cows in farm and dairy settings, but these are some of the places I’ve seen cows:

– Sea environments, like SeaWorld
– Books that have nothing to do with cows or farms
– Movies
– Billboards, TV and magazine ads that have nothing to do with dairy
– Coffee shops
– Paintings and drawings
– Christmas ornaments, etc

Cows have even entered the Christmas tradition, including as tree ornaments and lawn decorations. Don’t believe me? The proof is in the pudding, well, picture. A few years I found this Christmas cow lawn decoration at Michael’s on clearance after Christmas. And I managed to buy a cow tree ornament a few years later.

Cow Christmas decoration at Michael's - December 2010
Cow Christmas decoration at Michael’s – December 2010

Once I was able to prove that the daily cow theory was indeed very plausible, I stopped updating The Cow Daily, but I’ve been missing it a lot, especially as I continue to see cows on a daily basis. So I thought it was time to bring it back, six years after it all started. Time to share more cows!

I hope you enjoy the daily hay ride finding cows around you.